Well here we are in August. How is that possible? I can't say I'm not pleased though, July was a pretty rough month.
This year has taught me more than any other. I've truly learned patience (although you can never practice it enough), grace, and true heartbreak. My life is ever changing at this point. It's kind of terrifying but I'm learning to be excited and to rest in knowing God will have His way with me.
With the last few weeks of summer here I thought I would do a little rundown of the things I've been enjoying throughout this whole summer. All the books, music, shows, movies, and experiences that have made this unbearably hot season a little more enjoyable. Proceed if you're interested in anything cool and awesome ;).
Let's start with books. The first one to come to mind is "The Messenger" by Markus Zusak. A really captivating read with an amazing message. I couldn't put this book down. It tells the story of a boy who is dealt cards with names and addresses on them of people he is supposed to help in one way or another. In the end he has to help himself and it's really quite a sweet ending. This book helped me through a very tough time in my life. I will always remember this book.
Another book I really enjoyed this summer was "At The Water's Edge" by Sara Gruen. An exciting book about an adventure of trying to find a lochness monster. It's a very twisted love story and every chapter left me wanting more.
"Wildflower" by The Avalanches. I think we all saw this coming. With "Since I Left You" being my favorite album of all time I had quite high expectations for Wildflower. Although it is a little different, you can totally still recognize that it's them. Even with half of the original band they still brought it and I love that they're still doing their own thing. My favorite on the album has to be "Subways".
The Chemical Brothers. My brother describes them as if Daft Punk and The Avalanches came together and made one. It's pretty spot on. I've been listening to them for this last half of the summer. I can never tire of their sound. Super cool stuff.
"30 Rock". My mom and I have been making our way through this show all summer long. It's the perfect show to turn on after a long day. I can't get enough of Tracy Jordan. Such a funny character. Totally recommend this show if you're a fan of The Office, Parks an Rec, etc.
The Tudors. I started this a couple of weeks ago and I've become hooked. I'm just gonna paste the description of the show here. "This Showtime drama focuses on the early years of King Henry VIII's nearly 40-year reign (1509-1547) of England. The series looks at Henry's famous female companions like Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn and delves into his relationships with important figures like Sir Thomas More, Cardinal Wolsey (head of the Catholic Church of England during its break with Rome) and Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, who was Henry's best friend and unofficial adviser". It's really interesting.
"Stuck in Love" a really cute romance movie. It's about a dysfunctional family and goes through all their love affairs. With Lily Collins in it, it's a real gem. For some reason this movie also really inspired me to start writing more, so there's that.
"The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby". A drama focusing on how a couple copes with a tragedy. It has Jessica Chastain and James McAvoy. I honestly couldn't think of a better duo if I tired. This is not a happy movie by any means, but I still think it's beautiful in its own way.
Disney World. I've already talked about this here and here so I won't go into too much detail. It was the start of my summer and I couldn't ask for a better Disney trip if I tried. How is it that Disney actually gets better as you get older?!
Getting a new job. I finally took the plunge after working from home for a year and being unemployed the year previous. I've overcome a huge battle with my own insecurities and anxieties this year and I can't tell you how I excited I am about that! Not all days are perfect, but they're far better than they once were. If you too find yourself struggling with your own anxieties and fears trust me, it does get better!
And that about sums up my summer. I'm ready for a new season in my life. I'm loving with all I can and serving to my best ability. All along with the best people I could ask for in my life. His praise will ever be on my lips.
Tell me, how has your summer been? What are some of the highlights that have made your summer unforgettable?