28 July 2016

New Beginnings

Well, it's been a while hasn't it? At least I warned you guys this time. lol. 

Life has been busy. Good busy mostly.

I started my new part time job last week! I am really loving it so far. It's so much better than what I expected. I only wish I would have started sooner! The people I work with are really cool and the work is really rewarding. So far my anxiety hasn't gotten in the way of anything and that is a huge milestone for me! The only bad thing is that in the last couple of weeks my insomnia has come back full throttle. Even after a 10 hour shift on only 3 hours of sleep I still can't get myself to sleep  at a decent hour. Hopefully I can get it under control soon!

I also opened a new etsy shop last week. I felt really lost within myself with OhSoFawn. I was creating for my customers and not for myself and it was really draining. I wanted a space to share the real me and the things that I want to create and so "WithLoveByAbby" was born. I will be selling prints, cards, handmade goods & other varieties of products as I grow. Maybe something will come of it and maybe not, but I gotta give myself a chance right? Have a look here.

{A few prints/cards I have available so far.}
 {I will also be offering custom wedding invitations and save the dates!}

Other than that life is good. I've experienced great sorrow and immense joy in the last couple of weeks. It really was a roller coaster. I am so thankful I can turn to God for everything. He hears my cries even when I cannot fathom what to think or ask. He shows me miracles everyday. I am so happy to be serving Him in new ways.

"Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
still be thou my vision, O Ruler of all."

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