Self care has never been my strong suit. It's only been in the past 6 months that I've really gotten into taking time out for myself.
I use to feel it was a big waste of time and all I needed was a good nights sleep to feel better. Although nothing really beats a great nights sleep I've learned that going the extra mile to take time for the things I love really helps me mentally, emotionally, and physically.
Since working for myself from home I've learned now more than ever how important it is to look after yourself. I find that because what I do is very creatively based that I need to take a step back, re-evaluate my work, and make sure I'm in the right state of mind so I can put my best work out. I'm most creative when I am at ease, so I need to make sure I'm always calm and content before I start any project.
Slow Mornings.
There is no better way to start a day than nice and easy. No rush to be anywhere, and no emails to reply to. I make sure to always give myself anywhere from 30mins-1 hour to just be with myself. I find this critical to start and remain grounded all day. I recently wrote a whole post on my morning routine here if you fancy a peak.
A Good Stretch.
Whether it's for 1 minute before I get out of bed or a 20 minute romwod routine. I've always found stretching to be one of the greatest escapes. Focusing on my breathing and letting go of all the tension and inflammation I have helps me feel open and ready to attack the day.
A Lush Bath.
It's no secret that I'm a bit of a Lush addict. I make sure to take time out at least once a week to treat myself to a bubble bath. I turn on some tunes (lately Junip or Electric Youth), turn the water on as hot as I can stand, and just let myself get lost in my own thoughts.
With no intention. Just for myself. To try something different and out of my style. For no one else to see. It's like my way of journaling. Words don't come easy to me (as you can tell from this post), but art always has a way of bringing the best out of me.
I love getting lost in a good book. The ones that you continue to dream about after reading them. The characters that describe yourself better than you can. Not only is it great to turn away from the internet for a while, but it's also really rewarding to see a big stack of books you've actually finished! Reading always has, and always will be a special part of my life.
On the total opposite side of the scale. I love finding a hidden gem of a movie on netflix to watch by myself. I also love sitting down to a funny program (The Office, Parks & Rec and Master Of None) to perk up my mood after a stressful day. I can't tell you how many times The Office was the best part of my day :).
And last but certainly not least. Music. The most critical part of my day (well besides air, food, water, etc). I don't think I've ever written, created, or worked without music. Music is the only thing that can instantly inspire me, make me nostalgic, or bring tears to my eyes. In the car, while working out, or just laying on my bed and listening. Music is the very best therapy for me.
And that's it. Those are my favorite ways to treat myself. Most of them are free, and hardly take any extra time out of my day, but boy do they make a huge impact on the way I live my life.
Let me know of the ways you take care of yourself in the comments. It's a topic I love talking about!