12 December 2015

Weekend Routine | Festivities

I've had quite the relaxing week. The shop has slowed down noticeably (I guess stickers aren't such a necessity two weeks before Christmas ;)), so that has made a lot of time for Christmas shopping, card making, Christmas movie marathons, and catching up on boring things like taxes and laundry. lol. I'm 20 years old and it still feels weird to talk in that matter.

Anyway I'm getting quite excited for Christmas now (not that I wasn't already)! My whole family will be here for the big day and I know it will be amazing! I'm very thankful that my immediate family never quarrels or fights. We've seen it first hand on either sides of my parent's families and we know we don't want to end up like that. I'm so lucky to say that my best friends are blood related (with a few exceptions of course. I do actually have friends ;)). 

 {Card making for my pen-pals. See full post here.}
 {My blanket thief<3.}
 {Christmas shopping for my brothers. I was getting all the looks whilst rummaging through these albums. lol.}
 {I cut my hair. again. lol. It has to be some kind of addiction.}
 {Out to lunch with my mom<3. I don't talk about this often but I am vegan and have been for quite some time now. It's hard to eat out. I hardly ever do. I ordered a flatbread without cheese and it was just as delicious!} 
 {Filming some videos for my youtube channel.}
 {Keeping a journal for December! Let me know if you would like to see what's inside! ;) }

Weekend Plans:
  • Edit some videos.
  • Christmas party tonight at my brothers house.
  • Design some new cards for the shop.
  • Go through my closet and throw out more stuff. I've really been trying soo hard at this whole minimalistic approach. I'm not materialistic at all but for some reason I never threw anything out whilst growing up. I think it's because I come from a large family? I don't know. lol.
Weekend Reading List:
  • Jose' Gonzalez.
  • Grizzly Bear.
  • Hozier.
  • Bombay Bicycle Club.
  • Family & Friends.
  • James Blake.
I just want to say a quick thank you to everyone who reads my blog! It has recently gained a bit more traffic than usual and although I still don't understand how people waste time reading the silly words out of my mouth, I still am very thankful that I connect to you all in some way or another. I really want to step my blog game up in the new year so please let me know what type of posts you would like to see more of from me! :)

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