I go from posting daily for a week to not at all this whole week. I am sorry. I have had a LOT going on in my personal life. Even when I felt most inspired to post or write it just didn't feel right to do so. This blog is not a priority. The moment it becomes one is when I lose all my passion for it. This is my space to be creative, get away and share my passions.
And today I need that.
{ I've been drawing everyday recently. It's been the best therapy. }
Some good news, I finally got a job! The Lord's timing is always perfect and He knew just the right time to reveal His path for me. I am excited, nervous and anxious. I think those are pretty much the feelings I'm supposed to be experiencing at this point. I'm working at the same place as one of my brothers as well so that's really going to help me to not feel so lonely.
Between my new job, my etsy shop, my personal life, and this blog I don't know how long it will be before I figure out a good posting schedule so please bear with me. I promise I won't leave this blog. I need it most at this time in life.
Hope you all are doing well!