Well the first month of the year has come and gone, and to be honest I'm quite happy about that.
I'm not a huge fan of January. My bank account is always low, business is slow, and there aren't anymore pretty Christmas lights to gaze at. I'm not one to get super down in Winter as it is my favorite season, but as far as motivation goes January is pretty lackluster.
I did manage to keep myself pretty well entertained throughout the whole month though! I've been making my way through new books, tv shows, and of course some of the beauty bits I got for Christmas. Let's get in to what made January a little more enjoyable!
Tarte LipSurgence in "Haze". This has been my go-to lip color since receiving it for Christmas! It's the perfect nude for my complexion and I love that it doesn't dry out my lips, and also adds a nice minty flavor.
L'occitance Almond Oil. I got this as a 100 point beauty perk at Sephora. I love the whole almond oil range from L'occitane! It is so heavenly! I take a couple drops of this and smooth it all over my skin after showering. It adds an intense amount of moisture and keeps my skin super silky and soft!
Garnier Micellar Water. I finally gave in and tried some of this stuff. I didn't quite know what to expect. I tried it to remove my makeup once but it ended up making my skin pretty irritated (it's super sensitive though so it's probably just my skin!). I now use it every morning to give my skin a quick cleanse. It feels really nice and adds a nice bit of hydration as well!
Elizabeth & James Roller Ball Perfumes. I received these in my stocking on Christmas and I was quite delighted that I would be able to try both! I've been toying with the idea of purchasing one but I couldn't decide which one I liked better! I've been switching between these two perfumes all month and I can quite honestly say that I love them both equal amounts! I love how they're both very sophisticated scents without being too over the top.
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Again, I received this book for Christmas after dropping a few too many hints that I wanted to give it a read. It was a very easy and quick read and I absolutely loved the style of writing. The storyline is very interesting and I absolutely love how it ended! Rate 4.5/5.
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. I grew up watching the Anne of Green Gables movies, and the television show Avonlea, but I never actually gave the book a try. I'm really sad that I just now got around to reading the book as I know I would have loved it when I was younger! Although it is technically a "children's" book, it is still written in a very mature way and I think it could benefit a lot of people. It's probably my favorite "coming of age" book for girls! Rate 4/5.
Art Supplies:
Pentel Sign Pen. After watching a few of my favorite illustrators on YouTube use this pen I thought it was time I gave it a try. I'm not great at explaining pens but this one is amazing! It glides on paper very smoothly and is super easy to control. It also doesn't bleed which is critical for my jumpy hands!
Copics Markers. These colors in particular> "Pale Purple", "Pale Fruit Pink", and "Hollyhock". I love using the two paler shades as a skin tone to change things up from the usual skin tone colors I would use. I've been using Hollyhock for a lot of flowers lately and I think the shade is beautiful and very easy to blend!
Free People Flower Bluetooth Speaker. I picked this up in the after Christmas sale. I've used it everyday since! It's perfect for while I'm working, and is a step up from listening to music out of my phone's speakers!
Anna of the North. I've recently discovered Anna of the North and fell in love immediately. She kinda has a feel that is a mix of Ellie Goulding and Electric Youth. I love her songs "The Dreamer" and "Sway".
Kyla La Grange. Spotify recommended Kyla La Grange because I listened to Anna of the North. I haven't listened to too many of her songs yet but I absolutely adore "Cut Your Teeth (Kygo remix)".
Pogo. If you haven't yet listened to Pogo then stop what you're doing and turn on his song "No Worries" right now! I will insert a bit from Pogo's wikipedia page here. Christopher Nicholas "Nick" Bertke (born 26 July 1988), better known by his stage name Pogo, is an Australian electronic music artist. His work consists of recording small sounds, quotes, and melodies from a film or TV programme, and sequencing the sounds together to form a new piece of music. In most of his works, the newly created piece of music consists solely of the sounds he samples from those films or scenes, without additional, 'external' music or sound effects. Cool right?!
The Revenant. Of course! If you're into beautiful films full of raw and heartbreaking content then you will love this! They told the story in a such a real and beautiful way. Leo and Tom really took to their roles and I think they're work is astounding. I don't recommend this if you're a lover of animals though (or a hater of violence!).
Anna Karenina. I watched this on Netflix this month and really enjoyed it! It has really bad ratings on Netflix though which I really don't get! I think the filming and directing is done really well, and I love all of Keira Knightley's work. Everything she does is just stunning.
And those are all my January favorites! I feel like I kept rambling on and on so I apologize for any bad grammatical errors. lol. What have you loved this month? I'm always up for new music recommendations! ;)