Seeing as how I've had short hair for a good while now, I thought it might be helpful to some of you to share how I like to style it. Even if you don't have short hair and are contemplating the change, this might help to inspire you in some way.
Hair style #1:
The messy half up bun.
I know this is quite a popular style right now regardless of your hair length, but it's for a good reason.
It's super easy and looks good on almost everyone. I simply separate my hair as if I'm putting it in a half up ponytail but instead of finishing the ponytail I only pull it half way through and then continue to style it in a messy bun. Secure with bobby pins and had a texturising spray for a more messy effortless look. This is perfect for bad hair days. I love wearing this style whilst working out!
Hair Style #2:
Low Pony.
I'll be honest, I've never liked the ways ponytails look on me with long hair. I don't think I have a single photo of me wearing one because I hardly ever did. With short hair however I absolutely love it! It works with any texture (natural, curly, straight.), and with a few layers pulled out it's perfect for almost any occasion! I don't think I need to tell you how to achieve this look though as it's pretty self explanatory.
Hair Style #3:
Side pull back.
This is probably my most worn out of the 4. I pull some hair back from the right side of my head (the non-parted side) as I have quite a lot of layers over there and on days where it's impossible to get them all straight I fake it with this look. I use a small butterfly clip to secure and it stays all day. This is also the style I get most compliments on. :)
Hair Style #4:
The headband.
The easiest one of all and I definitely don't need to explain this one. I used to wear headbands all the time so whenever I wear them now it takes me back to being 17. Headbands are great when you want to style your hair down but also don't want to worry about it bothering you all day, which is why I always wore them to dance ;).
And there you have it. My go-to short hairstyles. Nothing ground breaking obviously, but I still thought they were worth sharing. Let me know if you liked this post or if you have any short hairstyles that I should know about it!