18 December 2015

Festive Pamper Evening

Can you believe Christmas is only one week away?! That is just too crazy, and the more the days go by the more I want to freeze time! 

I'm in full on festive mode! Baking, wrapping presents, Christmas movies, all of it! To ensure I don't get too overwhelmed I've been treating myself to a Lush bath about once or twice a week. I thought it would be fun to share all of the lovely festive products I've been using to either inspire your Christmas wish list, or prepare you all for the Lush boxing day sale! I know I've got quite the list myself! I need to stock up before all my favorite products are discontinued for another year! Keep reading if you're a fellow Lush junkie like myself! :) 

  • Music. You can either put on your favorite Christmas playlist or go for something a little more relaxing. I like putting on The Head and The Heart, The Antlers, or Iron & Wine. 
  • Wash with Snow Fairy shower gel. The the most iconic Lush Christmas scent. I have to be honest it's a little too sweet for me, but that's what the holidays are all about so tis the season right?! ;)
  • Exfoliate with Salt and Peppermint Bark. This stuff is amazing! It makes my skin feel super soft and smells divine! 
  • Condition with Christingle Body Conditioner. This is by far my favorite holiday Lush product this year! I love rubbing it on my sore muscles as it feels similar to icy hot and it's just amazing! 
  • Cleanse with Buche De Noel Facial and Body Cleanser. I use this to cleanse my face and honestly it's my favorite cleanser thus far that I've tried from Lush. It's smells super festive but not it's not too strong. It leaves my face feeling super fresh and soft! 
  • For the Bath I use The Magic of Christmas & a bath bomb from the Sleeps Till Christmas set. I bought these both as a Christmas gift to myself. I've been making my way through the bath bombs and the stand outs for me are the Golden Wonder and the Luxury Lush Pud. Both make the bath look amazing with loads of colors and stars floating all around. Definitely a fun little pick-me-up! 
And that's it! I've been sticking to this little routine all month and I know I'm definitely going to miss it come the new year! One of my resolutions is to make more time for myself though so hopefully this can become a more regular thing for me :). Let me know of your favorite Lush holiday product! I still can't get over the Christingle Body Condtioner ;). 

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