21 November 2015

Weekend Routine | The Simpler Things

I've had a tough couple of weeks, I'm not gonna lie. A lot has been going on in my personal life, and my family has had a lost recently. We take comfort that he is no longer suffering and is dancing with Jesus. Although our hearts hurt and will probably never heal, we are promised a much better life after this and know we will be reunited with him again. 

This week has been all about relaxing, slowing down, and taking comfort in the simpler things in life. 

{On Sunday we went to our local state park. It's the second largest alligator population in Florida and although alligators are cool we were more excited to see 18 deer and 1 boar while we were hiking. I'm used to alligators in my back yard, but it's always so fun when people see their first gator. They really freak out! lol. }
 {Such beauties! This momma and her fawn were like 10 feet away from us. They could hardly be bothered with us.}
 {The day was overcast and had a beautiful breeze. It was just what I needed. I'll be back soon!}

Weekend Plans:
  • Relax.
  • Film and edit some videos.
  • Get outside in this beautiful weather.
  • Finalize my black friday plans for my shop.
  • Have a movie night with my sister in law.

Weekend Reading:

  • Local Natives.
  • Mac Miller.
  • Coconut Records.
  • First Aid Kit.
  • Family and Friends.

Thankful For:

  • A cold (cooler) front.
  • Movie night with my siblings (Mockingjay pt 2!).
  • Preparing for Thanksgiving.
  • Game night with my family.
  • People that play with my hair.
  • People that make me laugh when I need it most.

Hope you're all doing well! Let's have a great weekend!<3

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1 comment

Unknown said...

Amazing post dear! You have a wonderful blog:)
What about following each other on Instagram, Bloglovin, Twitter?.. :)


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