14 October 2015

Autumn Love Letter

So just like every other wonderful blogger I have caved and I am dedicating a whole post towards my love for Autumn. 

There's nothing quite like the first day of actual fall weather. You feel as though you are learning to breathe all over again. With nights rolling in earlier you are now more tempted than ever to let your body rest and recover after a long summer. You bring out the scarves, boots, blankets, crock pots, and an endless supply of hot chocolate (coffee for me please!). The mornings are crisp and foggy. The evenings dark and full of stars. Your lungs adapt to working harder on your morning run. Your body is most appreciative of long baths (lush products are a must!). You can't get out of bed without first putting socks on. You take hours to perfect your fall playlist. Weekends are for campfires with friends and too much pumpkin flavored anything.  Ahh yes, Autumn is the one for me. 

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The fact that the holidays are just around the corner both excites and exhausts you. You come up with reasons to explain to your family why you are still single. Christmas shopping can never start too early. You switch out light pink lips for berry lips. You buy way too many pairs of boots. Your love for reading is reignited due to the fact that you'd rather stay in your comfy bed than go out and party. You bust out the christmas lights way too early (or leave them up all year round ;)). No night is complete without Netflix (and chill with your dog, hehe). When being alone is quite alright because you couldn't possibly be lonely in such a beautiful season as this. Thank you, Autumn for being the most magical time of year. 

P.S. Please come to Florida this year! xx

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