Long time no blog. Sorry guys I really don't have an excuse. All I know is every time I go for a longer period of time without blogging it helps me realize how much I really do love it. I know I'm not doing much but it's something and I enjoy it! Here are some recent things that have been going on and about in this beautiful month of September.
{Trying not to jump the gun too early on fall decorations.}
{Enjoying short hair and gold accessories.}
{Decluttering a lot.}
{Spending too much $$$ at Lush.}
{Lazy rainy weekends to myself.}
{Bowling with my family.}
{Working in the shop<3.}
{Releasing new products!}
{Current planner pages. Loving my Cocoa Daisy subscription so far!}
Weekend To-Do List:
- Train for a CrossFit competition.
- Have a good pamper evening.
- Sibling Night.
- Film+edit.
- Get caught up on orders.
- Make time to be creative.
Netflix Recommendations:
- The Paradise-a show based in the late 1800's about a very successful shop and all the people that work in it. It's full of amazing directing and acting. I've just started the second season and so far it is tied with Downton Abbey for me! Definitely recommend if you're into that sort of thing. ;)
- Sherlock-I'm embarrassed on how late to the bandwagon I am on this one. Benedict is such an amazing actor and I really enjoy his role as Sherlock. I tried watching True Detective but found it a little too strange for my taste (not into creepy things that can actually happen.) but Sherlock has really impressed me so far! I can't wait to watch more!
Things I'm looking forward to:
- My first CrossFit competition next month!
- Cooler weather (hopefully!)
- Fall festivities.
- Layering.
- Releasing my seasonal products in the shop.
- Hunger Games Mocking Jay Pt. 2.
- The holiday season with my family!<3
So what's new with all of you? Thank you so much for sticking with me through all my in-consistencies! ;) I really love this tiny little family we have going on! Thank you so much for your continual support!<3