These past few weekends have been a little different than I am used to. I have been stuck home all weekend which is fine, but I thrive on spending weekends out with people I love. Especially on Saturday's with my siblings. The past month we've all been busy with our lives and now we are finally back to our regular schedule, and I know it sounds super simple but just this little thing means a lot to me. I can kind of be a recluse so time spent out late with them refreshes and challenges my mind to step out of my comfort zone. They're the only ones that can do that to me without me freaking out.
Anyway, currently I am working on orders. The silhouette is cutting stickers to my left whilst I blast Brandon Flowers on my phone to my right. It's really loud and probably bad for my hearing but I can't stand the sound of the silhouette so blasting my music over it is my compromise (sorry to everyone I live with;)). Last night we had family over for dessert and it was just what I needed. It was loud, crazy, overwhelming, and perfect. I know I've said it before but I wouldn't trade my family for anything. I am overwhelmed daily by how the Lord has blessed me.
{I've been illustrating a lot recently! It's so hard to figure out what my "style" is!}
{Working away. After a slow week things got busy in the shop yesterday! I love working overtime on Saturday's :). }
{Really been enjoying this book! I highly recommend if you are vegetarian!}
-Family Time
-New bedding set from target (pictured in first photo).
-My perfect dog Bailey (she's soo good with kids!)
-CrossFit more than ever! (I'm even going to do a competition!)
-Damien Rice
-Brandon Flowers
-Clearing out (took a trunk full of stuff to Goodwill this week!:)
-Drawing (a LOT!)
-Trying to stay cool and looking forward to summer being over ;)
Sorry the layout of these posts are so inconsistent. I don't like to restrict myself, it takes the fun out of it ;). Hope you are all having a lovely weekend!