20 August 2015

Illustrated August Favorites

If you follow me on instagram then you would have seen me post this drawing. I've been inspired by some of my favorite illustrators (especially Fran) to draw my monthly favorites. It's a little creative way to document what you have been enjoying lately. Read below for my August favorites!

  1. My glasses. I finally got my eyes examined to find out that indeed I cannot see (well), haha. They have made a world of difference in my life. I had no idea my vision was so bad. It's like watching tv in HD only in like real life if that makes sense?  
  2. Mullberries. I have talked about these before so I won't bore you but these are seriously one of my all time favs!
  3. My Penpals. I have been making more time to spend writing to my pen pals, putting even more effort into my snail mail. It's been so fun and has helped to take a lot of stress away :).
  4. My Sketchbook. I love completing/filling up a whole sketchbook of drawings. Even if they're bad it's still so fun to look back on all my creations and see how my style has evolved. I'm still not happy with my style but is anyone ever really satisfied with their own work? Probably not ;).
  5. My Cacti/Succulent collection. Confession, I didn't take care of any of my plants and they all pretty much died. I took them outside for my mom to take care of and somehow she managed to bring them all back to life! They're growing soo big now! I had no idea how beautifully they can grow! Thanks mom ;) (she doesn't read my blog but oh well).
  6. Washi tape. No need to explain this one. My collection is growing a little too fast. hehe.
  7. Soap & Glory Hand Food. My eczema is back full force and of course it's always the worst on my hands. This hand cream does a really nice job of moisturizing while not leaving that gross greasy feeling.
  8. My Cat Watch. I've mentioned this a few times as well. It's on my wrist everyday and has become an important part of my uniform. How could I possibly go on without this cute little kitty telling me the time all day?!
  9. Coffee. Because times have been busy.
  10. Copics Ciao Markers. I finally bit the bullet and purchased a set of these babies! I cannot express how much I love them! They're truly a dream. If you have ever been interested in them than I totally recommend that you get them! I want to draw all the things!
  11. Rainy Days. It's been quite rainy in Florida this sumer and I cannot complain. I love everything about rain! The smell, sound, sky, and comfort it brings. I would rather live in rainy weather than anything else (weird, I know).
  12. Grey Sweater that I picked up from Marshall's this month. It's a light weight knit with crochet lace on the bottom. I really love the fit and style! I cannot wait for fall/autumn clothing! :) 

And there ya go. My August favorites. Sorry the writing was a bit rusty. It's been too long/I'm sleep deprived but I don't want that to hold me back from doing what I love. :) Let me know of your current favorites in the comments! I need new skincare recommendations ;).

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