09 August 2015

Weekend Routine | Creative Sunday's

A Happy Sunday to you all!

What you do with your Sunday says a lot about you. Whether you spend the whole day watching netlfix, gardening, meal prepping for the week, or trying to get ahead on work Sunday's are always a nice day do spend doing the things you love most. For me it is creating. Whether that be drawing, designing new stickers, writing to my pen pals, filming, editing, blogging, etc. I always make time on Sunday to be creative. By dedicating a whole day to it I am able to start the week with a fresh creative mindset that will hopefully help through the whole week. I also enjoy spending time with my family as they are a big source of my inspiration. Just a couple hours chatting away and I leave with filled with a whole new bundle of motivation. I don't really know what I'm trying to get at here but pretty much I want you all to not feel guilty about taking time out for the things you love. End of story.

{Some friends I drew whilst working.}
{Finally organized all my washi!}
 {My new fauxdori from LoveNeen on Etsy!}
 {Packaging orders<3}
 {Corner of doom. You can't really tell in the photo but this is a very messy part of my room. I'm trying my best to sort it out!}
 {Thinking about a blog reno. It's been since the new year that I've updated anything and I think that's a record for me! Who knows I might even tackle it today ;). }
 {Some new goods. I am dying over this cook book! I want to make everything!}
 {I'll be making these soon!}
{I made some accordion zucchini the other night and it was amazing! Of course it came out of The Forest Feast cook book! I am a little obsessed ;). }

What I'm Loving:

TV: Once Upon a Time- I know I'm late on this one, lol. I was a huge fan of LOST! I was hesitant for OUAT though just because I didn't love everything about the writers from Lost. My mom and I are on the 12th episode of the 1st season. So far pretty good, although I am not in love with the directing. The acting is surprisingly good though!

New Girl-I have seen the newest season of New Girl and that was it so I knew when we got Netflix I knew that I wanted to go back and rewatch the whole thing. Besides it pretty much only being about sex it's a really funny show and I am in love with Jess and Nick's relationship. Too bad I know spoilers ;).

FOOD: Mulberries-all the mulberries! I've gone through a few bags this month :o. My smoothie bowls are not complete without them!

Sweet Potato- I go through spurts where all I crave is sweet potatoes! It's really weird but I'm not complaining. I need those good carbs for CrossFit and they are definitely helping!

MATERIALS: Copics Markers-Again I'm late. I picked up a few this week to start a collection. So far I am in love! I can't wait to get more. I have a new (and expensive) addiction!

My Silhouette-Although it gives me a hard time I don't know what I would do without it. I not only use it for my business but for personal use as well! The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating with it and I can't wait to learn even more of its functions!

What is new with you all? I hope you are having a fantastic August! August is definitely my least favorite month but so far it's been quite pleasant. :) 

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