19 July 2015

Weekend Routine | Rainy Days

We have had like a solid 5 days of non stop rainy weather and I have been absolutely loving it! It's raining right now as I write this. It makes me work much harder, dress nicer, feel better, and just makes me happy and I don't know why. Most of the time it's the sunshine that has those effects on people but for me it is the opposite. Maybe it's the introvert in me? ;)

 {Every morning without fail-the addiction is real}
{Finally got my eyes examined this week! I am near sighted and have astigmatism in both eyes. Glasses should be here by Wednesday! :D }
 {Pretty pink packages ready for tomorrow's mail!<3}
 {I was able to film 3 videos this weekend! It feels so good to be creating for myself again! :) }
 {Outgoing for a dear friend}
 {My little helper<3 she is too sweet!}
{She loves to snuggle with her toys! It is the cutest thing ever and makes me feel all sorts of feelings! ;) }

Weekend To-Do List:
-Sibling night
-Movie night

Weekend Reading List:

How has your weekend been? Anything new or exciting happening?
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