31 July 2015

Home Ware Haul | H&M, Anthropologie, & more

It's no secret that I like to spend my money on room decor. Lately I've been trying to add more sophisticated touches to my room so it's not overly "hey look I'm a 5 yr old girl trapped in a 20 yr old body" but hey, we all know that's not really gonna happen ;). 

Anyway I had birthday money last month and decided to splurge at Anthropologie and H&M. Anthropologie was having a great sale and H&M prices are always amazing anyway so without further a'do here is what I picked up!

 {Cat planter-I've had my eye on this for so long!}
 {Rifle Paper Co. Anne of Green Gables book. This has always been a favorite of mine.}
 {Cool coffee mug because you can never have enough! ;) }
 {All of the marble and copper things. I have finally jumped on a current trend, hehe.}
 {Dog version of the planter from the first photo. I couldn't resist them both!}
 {Geometric copper planter. This is one of my new favorite pieces!}
 {Ikea cart-this really helps to keep all my craft supplies organized! I also got the copper basket from H&M as well.}
 {"A" mug that I will never use for actual drinking ;).}
 {Hanging copper frame and Rifle Paper Co. card-a match made in heaven!}
 {Marble cup-aka new makeup storage.}
 {Lavender crochet pillow and 2 new bunny friends! Wasn't kidding about the whole 5 yr old thing ;).}

I am really liking how everything turned out. It feels a lot fresher and more mature. I will slowly work on parting with all my quirky trinkets soon, but I know part of me will always continue to love that look. Just wait until I get to decorate my kids rooms (which will be no time soon;))!

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