I know, I know 3 posts in a row! Sorry for the inconsistency in my blog. I'm trying to figure a schedule out!
Today's post is gonna be a start of a new series I'm gonna do :) I don't know about you but my favorite type of posts to read are weekly round ups, or reviews. There's something so refreshing about reading how someone's week went (for me atleast). So I thought I would start showing you all how my week went, too! I think it's also a great way to get to know a little more about me ;)
MONDAY: This is me on Monday after I practically killed myself in the gym. I was dancing/stretching for over an hour after biking for 30 minutes :) I treated myself to a Epsom salt bath after ;)
TUESDAY: this is my adorable puppy! Her name is Jackie and she's my best friend! She's over 16 years old<3 and another picture of me at the gym.
WEDNESDAY: my mom and I went to ikea and the mall! This was our breakfast at ikea:)
SUNDAY: (today) I woke up. Ate breakfast with my parents. Edited a video. Worked out. Did laundry. And took a lot of blog photos, so you can't see them yet which is why there is no pictures for today ;)
I've been wanting to go to LUSH for a while now so I finally went and got some Easter stuff! I also got some things at Ikea. I have a post up for both of these hauls!
THURSDAY: I filmed a tutorial for this Easter DIY. Had this lovely breakfast. And adored my cute little doggy<3
FRIDAY: I went to the gym again and planned a lot of blogposts!
SATURDAY: had another lovely breakfast. Filmed a video. And went to my brother and sister in laws house to hang out with my siblings :) my sister in law painted my nails, too! The colors are Essie "Bikini so Teeny" and Charlotte Russe "Pink". So cute!
And that was my week! Overall it was pretty good. Had a really rocky start but everything is getting better. Thankful to The Lord everyday for our health and safety! <3
Let me know how your week was!
Also let me know what you thought of this post! I hope it wasn't too boring :/
Have a great week!