19 April 2014

Easter Festivities

Happy Saturday everyone!

I hope you are all having an amazing Easter weekend!

Today I thought I'd show you how I colored my Easter eggs this year and also the dessert I made for tomorrow for when all my family is over :) this isn't a "tutorial" per say, I'm just showing you what I did.
I decided to incorporate napkins and washi tape into my egg decorating this year :)
For the napkin eggs I used used 2 beaten egg whites. I just covered the egg with my napkin and then painted on a layer of egg whites, it worked out quite well :)
I only did one washi tape egg because I forgot all about my tape until the last one, haha. I just covered the egg in three different tapes :)
My Game of Thrones tribute ;)
This one I tried to make look like a pineapple. 
And that is it for my eggs! I think they turned out super cute ;)

Now onto my dessert!
I melted almond bark, dipped the strawberries, sprinkled with sprinkles, and then put them into these cute peeps cupcake liners and the placed them on these pretty little trays! I don't think these are going to last in my house ;)

Hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating Jesus with your family!

He is Risen<3


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