Today's post is just some pictures from yesterday when my brother, my mom, and I went to the beach. It is officially spring now!(well it's been spring in Florida for a while now but whatev). we live by the #1 beach in Florida!(well it's #3 this year but again whatev). It was super warm yesterday though and my body kinda went in shock :O. Oh well gotta get used to's only gonna get worse.
Anyway enough babbling here are the pics.
Excuse the mess that is me but that's my brother in the back :)
This particular part of the beach is one of my favorite spots of all time :)
Most of these bracelets are from a local surf shop :o
Seriously sorry for all the selfies!
Pure beauty.
We then had lunch at a local restaurant on the beach:) I had a Caesar salad with the dressing on the side.
I had to take a pic of this because it's pretty much my life motto ;)
And yup that's it! Hope you enjoyed and are enjoying your Spring wherever you may be. And if you don't have spring weather yet than I am terribly sorry!;)