18 March 2016

The Weekend Guide #12

I've got that Friday feeling. I've finally had a pretty chill week and I am soaking it up for all it's worth. I'm ready for a weekend full of rest, creating, and finally finishing House of Cards.

Tonight I have Crossfit and we're doing the open workout 16.4. It really doesn't favor short people so I have a feeling I'll be really sore all weekend which gives me a perfect excuse to finally sit down and tackle my taxes (boo).

1. Incoming mail.
2. Another rough 2 min watercolor. Any other Arcade Fire fans around here? ;)

Good Reads:

Watch This:
L'APPARTEMENT (The Apartment) <The coolest apartment tour ever! Watch it!
Weekly Vlog #2-2 Weeks in One. <Shameless plug, lol.

Some Tunes:

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