I'm a firm believer in celebrating even the smallest of victories. In a bad day, week, or season I take comfort in the little things and stay focused on everything that is going well.
Here is a list of small victories that I think we can all agree feel really awesome and satisfying!
- Waking up fully rested.
- Getting all your laundry washed, dried, and folded in one day.
- The first song you play on shuffle on Spotify is exactly the one you wanted to listen to.
- When your dog greets you when you get home.
- Perfectly toasted toast.
- When your shampoo and conditioner run out at the same time.
- Finishing a book whether you loved or hated it.
- Being ahead of schedule even if it's only by 5 minutes.
- Finding an amazing new blog and going deep back in their archives.
- Having more money in your bank account than you thought.
- When your total at checkout is less than you thought.
- The feeling after you shave your legs.
- Finding jeans that actually fit your short, muscular legs (just me?).
- Coming home after a long vacation/holiday.
- When the line at the post office is short.
- Smiling at strangers and being smiled back to.
- Drivers who aren't assholes and let you merge into the right lane.
- Seeing a family of deer.
- Hitting over 10k steps on your fitbit and you still have half a day to go.
- Losing weight without trying.
- Not caring how much you weigh.
- The feeling after a dramatic haircut.
- When Game of Thrones comes back on.
- Coffee on Sunday morning.
- When your eyeliner matches on both eyes.
- Fining a natural deodorant that works.
- Not getting sunburnt after being out all day.
- Ticking everything off your to-do list.
I might make this a little series on my blog. Let me know you think! Also please share your small victories in the comments!<3