I'm currently writing this in front of my open window and it is a beautiful 55 degrees outside.
Florida is such a tease as this whole week it will be in the 80s. I envy all you northerners!
Anyway onto to point of this post. I've been reading. A lot. Like I can't stand not having a book to read because I feel lost without reading. I've read quite a lot of books in 2016 so far and I thought I would share my thoughts on the ones I've read through February and March.
Also please excuse my poor attempt at explaining books. I'm trying my best ;).
Atonement by Ian McEwan.
Starting off with my very favorite. I tried reading this book a couple years ago but I could not get into it. I guess I've matured a lot because I seriously couldn't put this book down! I think I read it in 3 days. If you don't know what it's about it tells the story through 3 points of view of how 2 people in love fell into scandal because of a little girl named Briony who thought she saw something scandalous but ended up getting the story wrong. It starts in the 1930's and follows their lives through the years of war. I really don't want to give too much of the story away if you haven't read it yet. It's really beautiful (to me at least). Rate 5/5.
Room by Emma Donoghue.
Another book I couldn't put down. I'm sure everyone has heard of this book. It's another one I tired reading a couple years ago but ended up not finishing. I had a really short attention span back then, lol. This book tells the story of a little boy and his mom who live in a room trapped from the outside world. When the mom has an idea for escaping the little boy is faced with a lot of pressure to save his mom and experience the real world for the first time in his life. The writing is so charming as it is narrated by Jack (the little boy who is 5). This book really touched me and I think everyone should give this book a try as it touches on the subject of sexual abuse in a really striking way. I haven't seen the film yet, but I plan on seeing it asap. Rate 5/5.
The Siren by Kiera Cass.
I picked this up because I loved the Selection Series by Kiera Cass. I was unaware however that this is the first book she wrote and it actually didn't get published until recently. It is the story of "Sirens" (mermaid like things) who sink boats with their singing to give life to the Ocean or whatever. lol. Once they have transformed into Sirens they have to serve the Ocean for 100 years. They can't talk to humans as they will kill them with their voice. So when one falls in love with a human she has to make the decision to either serve her time to the Ocean or find a way to live for love. I found this book really cheesy. The storyline wasn't my taste but it was still a very easy read. Not my favorite book, but with it being her first book I think it's pretty good. Rate 2/5.
The Beautiful Possible by Amy Gottlieb.
I randomly picked this book up in Target and I was pleasantly surprised by how much I love it!
It starts in 1938 when a jewish refugees dreams are shattered. He comes to America where he meets a rabbi and his fiance. The book spans 70 years and tells a story of forbidden love. It's really complex and intoxicating. I really loved the writing and the story had my attention through the whole book. Rate 4/5.
Girl Boss by Sophia Amoruso.
I'm sure all of you know about this book. I didn't give into the hype right away, but when I was in the mood for some light reading material I picked this up. Sophia Amoruso is the founder of NastyGal.com and she writes about how she got to where she is and how she runs a multi million dollar company. She's very honest (sometimes too honest) and shares how she went from dumpster diving (literally) to growing her eBay business into what we know as NastyGal today. Although I don't relate to her as a person or business woman I still found this a really interesting read. It shows that you can literally have nothing but with enough motivation you can achieve great things. I was very inspired after reading this and wrote down some new goals and aspirations for my own business. So whether you work for yourself or not I recommend reading this as it helps you see the bigger picture of things and makes you think about the long run instead of the temporary crappy situations we're in right now. Rate 3/5.
And those are the books I've been reading (I actually finished 2 more since taking these photos). Let me know if you've read any of these and of course if you have any book recommendations for myself.