11 March 2016

The Weekend Guide #11

This weekend really seemed to sneak up on me. Not that I'm complaining of course.

I am actually home alone this weekend which is really nice as I thrive in solitude. Just me and dog (occasionally my brother but he's a nursing student so not really. lol). 

I spent last night watching the new House Of Cards episodes. I only watched 2 but so far so good! There is something about this show that I just adore but I can't really pin point what it is.

I also watched Atonement last night so I went to bed with a broken heart (not really). I read the book last month and I found the movie to be just as enjoyable! There were some parts they left out that I would've liked to see but overall I really loved it! 

This weekend is for rest and work. I've had a tough couple of weeks so I'm going to take it easy but also thrive on any creativity I have so I can get ahead of the game a little. Hopefully all goes to plan, Cheers!

1. Rough 2 min watercolor.
2. The most beautiful incoming mail. Really made me smile!
3. Debuting the choker. It's officially the season of sun (and pollen) down here in Florida. ugh.

Good Reads:

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