19 February 2016

The Weekend Guide #8

Happy Weekend, everyone!

It doesn't even seem like Friday to me. This week was just kind of a blur. It seems most of my family is sick with a cold at the moment so I'm trying to get as much done as I can before I come down with it myself. I managed to go through the whole of 2015 without getting sick. I assume that's not going to be the case this year. 

I've been doing a lot of blog work recently! I have so many posts planned and ready to go up! I think it was the new design of my blog that has inspired me to get on top of things! I feel like I've finally found a good routine that works for me. I couldn't be more happy with where my blog is going at the moment (and I mean that in the most non-arrogant way possible)!

Here's to a weekend full of creating and preparing for a new season of growth!

1. Behind the scenes whilst filming for my channel OhSoFawn
2 and 3. The beautiful flowers I received from my dad on Valentine's Day<3.
4. Working on some flip books to send to my pen-pals (new post coming soon!).
5. This weekends weapon of choice. Tisty Toasty from Lush.

 Good Reads:

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