08 January 2016

The Weekend Guide #2

Happy Friday, friends!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! My plans for it include working in the shop, watching Downton Abbey, and having a nice catch up day (laundry, vacuuming, etc). I probably enjoy weekends like this most. No real commitments just some time to be as productive or as lazy as I choose to be. 

  1. With the help of my parents, last weekend we moved my furniture around in my room. There's so much more space for me to work and create now! Changing your environment really helps with sparking your creativity! 
  2. My new workspace. It's a little bit of a work in progress but so far it works much more smoothly than my last one. :)
  3.  I finished The Alchemist this week. It was really good! I have passed it along to my mom to read. It was a very easy read and I loved the style of writing!
Good Reads:
Sorry there aren't as many resources this week! To be honest I haven't been on the internet too much lately. I've been working on lots of projects instead :). Happy Weekend!

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