Long time no chat. That will soon change! I'm finally back from vacation! I went to Cape Cod with my mom for 10 days as some of you may know so that's why I've been kinda quiet ;) I had such a lovely time and want to share it all with you guys! I'm starting with day one.
We landed in Boston which is like my all time favorite city! My brother and his partner picked us up (they live on the cape) and we went out for an adventure!
We spent about 5-6 hours waking around and man we literally walked alllll over the city! We had lunch in the north end (little Italy), visited the tea party area, boston commence, the state house, newberry street, etc. we pretty much got the basics down. It was so fun! I really hope to live in Boston eventually...even If it's for a short while ;)
And that pretty much wraps up day one!
Hope you enjoyed and are having a wonderful summer!!