It's a 3 day holiday weekend which means I'm soaking up every minute of solitude I can get before a big 4th of July celebration with my family tomorrow.
I woke up at half past 10 this morning because I didn't get home until almost 4 in the morning. Before you start assuming anything I was at my brother's house hanging out with a few of my siblings and a friend. That's as much socializing as I handle at the moment, lol.
Be warned, this post has no point or focus.
It seems to be a rainy day today which is fine by me. As soon as I'm done with all the work I need to do I will be snuggling into a book for the rest of the day. I'm currently reading At the Water's Edge by Sara Gruen. So far so good. I think it will be an interesting read.
Update on the job front. Still no news. I'm trying to stay patient but I'm quickly running out of options. In the mean time I'm trying to make and save as much money as possible. I really need to get my life together and unfortunately that takes money to do so.
A little contradictory to the above paragraph, I treated myself to an iPad pro this week. I was meant to get one ages ago but I didn't have the sufficient funds. My mom got one first and after setting it up for her and teaching her how to use it (the patience levels were very low) I knew I had to bite the bullet. Drawing with the iPad pro is a total dream! I had no idea how much my last tablet was run down. It lagged SO much. I'm really not sure how I was ever able to get work done with it. I have a whole new inspiration for designing now! It's so nice to be able to see my ideas come together so easily.
I've been listening to The Avalanches all week long! Their new album comes out on the 8th and I cannot contain my excitement! This is by far my most looked forward to music release of this year (or like, the past 3 years)! They've released 4 of the songs already and so far my favorite is "Subways". Definitely been listening to that song non stop. If you've never listened to The Avalanches before than please do yourself a favor. They are definitely something else (in the best way possible).
I can't believe summer is already half way over. It goes by faster and faster each year. This summer I feel is a little bitter sweet. A lot of people in my life have moved/are going to be moving away soon and I'm not sure how I'm going to cope with that yet. I know we'll stay in touch and everything but I'm so bad at social media. I can't tell you how many friendships I've lost due to our only communication being online. I'm a much more hands on (don't get any ideas) kinda girl.
Other than that life is pretty good right now. I take it minute by minute. I'm excited for this new stage in my life. Hopefully I'll have enough patience and wisdom, and hopefully I'll take it easy on myself if things don't go to plan. I'm trusting in His loving arms. He overwhelms me with His daily love and grace. I am not worthy of such a love, yet there is nothing that could ever come between us. I can come to Him in any state and He will love me just the same. How reassuring is that?!
Happy Sunday, everyone. And to all my American readers, I hope you all have a wonderful and safe 4th of July. God Bless.