04 March 2016

The Weekend Guide #10

I can't believe we're already in the double digits for these posts! It kinda makes me sick to my stomach.

It's been another roller coaster week for me so I thought it would be good to share a gratitude list this week. I love when people share these on their blogs. It reminds me that there is always something to be grateful for! 

1. Outgoing snail mail.
2 & 3. Behind the scenes of filming a video.
4. Outgoing orders. So thankful to be dong what I do. 

Gratitude List:
1. Gymnastics class. I took a class with some CrossFit friends this week. It was real fun! ;)
2. Finding out we're going to Disney World for my 21st birthday in June! I am elated!
3. The CrossFit open. I'm doing it again this year and it is always such a blast to compete on a team in my box and cheer each other on. I'm so excited for 16.2 tonight! Give me all the cleans! ;)
4. House of Cards comes back today! I can't decide whether to make it last by watching one episode a night or binge watching in next weekend when my parents are out of town! 
5. Organizing. Probably my #1 therapy at the moment. I can't get enough. I swear I get a high off of decluttering and sorting through everything I own. I haven't even read Marie Kondo's book and I think I've reached a whole new level of crazy! 

Good Reads:

Watch This:

Some Tunes:

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