04 April 2016

Life Lately | Spring has Sprung

Sorry it's been quiet in these parts this last week. I don't really have an excuse, life just got ahead of me so I decided to take a super short break. I am back now and the little break did me some good. I've got more creative juices flowing and I'm ready to tackle April full throttle in all areas of my life! 

I thought I would do a little catch up post. I used to do these more often in the past. I should really make them a monthly thing though as I really enjoy writing and reading them! :)

I'll start with last Sunday (Easter). We had our whole family over. It's always so much fun when we all get together. Unfortunately it doesn't happen often enough, so when it does it's really special. I painted eggs with my brother in the morning. It took us about 2 hours to do all the work that is pictured above and below, lol. We also did faceswap with every possible combination of our family members. Let's just say none of us are very complimentary to each other ;). We stayed up till past 10 just talking and chilling. It was a really great day celebrating all that Jesus has done for us. I could never express my gratitude. It's overwhelming how much joy He blesses me with. 

This is a shot of some of my brothers, nephews, and my sister in-law and I.
Before getting my hair chopped off again last week I decided to try a up-do while I could. I do miss braiding my hair in every which way, just not the maintenance of caring for long, thick hair. 
 I obviously haven't been in the sun very much. I should really get out though! I need the vitamin D!
 I had got a request from a friend asking if I could make some personalized stationery for her daughters. I really enjoy custom orders/requests. They let me be creative and I love going above and beyond people's expectations. 
 This past weekend called for catching up on replying to my penpals! I love letting my mail collect a little bit so I can sit down and have a big crafting session! 
 I finished reading the book The Fortune Hunter by Daisy Goodwin last night. It was so good! It's my favorite book I've read in 2016 so far! If you really like historical fiction then I highly recommend you check this book out!!

And that's all I have to update you guys on for now. I've been really busy with etsy work as well as training for my next CrossFit competition (it's in less than two weeks!). I'm really excited for spring this year. A lot of that has to do with the fact that I get to go to Disney World for my birthday, but other than that I really am embracing the season change this year. The snow birds are finally starting to head north again. I'm looking forward to our slower season. I'm in need of a slower lifestyle so the timing is perfect! 

Hope you are all doing well! Let me know what you're most excited for about spring this year!

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