16 February 2016

Lush Haul-February 2016

 I might as well be a spokesperson for lush at this point. I find I'd rather spend my money on extravagant bath bombs over any other beauty treat. I know it's pretty ridiculous considering I'm literally throwing my money down the drain, but I digress because "treat yo-self" (is that getting old? It's still hilarious to me).

Here is a peak at what I picked up from Lush this month! I have quite the stash to get through at this point so I think I will be sorted for a while ;).

Unicorn Horn. This was part of the Valentine's Day collection last year, but you could only get it in a kit in the States. I was elated to see you could purchase it separately this year! I haven't used this one yet, but it smells divine!  

The Experimentor . This is a newer addition to their regular line. I also haven't used this one yet, but I'm sure it will look amazing in the bath!

Tisty Tosty. I'm soo excited to use this one! It has rose petals in it so when it's in the bath they float all around. It smells very nice and relaxing. Perfect after a stressful day!

Big Bang. Another new release. I picked this up because I adore the smell! It's very citrusy and up-lifting. It's supposed to be a little more softening as they added a bit of a bath melt into the mix. I'm sure it will be amazing!

Rose Jam Bubbleroon. I pretty much got this one because of it's looks but I was pleasantly surprised when I fell in love with the scent as well! It's very floral, but not too in-your-face-floral. It also has shea butter which is perfect for my dry skin this time of year! 

Eau Roma Water. This is a repurchase for me! After using the breath of fresh air toner for a while I'm excited to go back to this one! It is by far my favorite of the two! I'm just obsessed with how this makes my skin feel! It instantly calms/refreshes it, and is great for minimizing the redness in my complexion. 

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