18 January 2015

January Blues | Current Favorite Bands

January comes and Christmas music leaves. In the past I used to have trouble switching back to regular music for some reason. I thought it was cruel that the radio stopped playing Christmas music the day after Christmas (especially when they started playing it on Halloween!)! Anyway I had no trouble this year. January turned out to be an amazing month music-wise for me! I've discovered some new favorites and rekindled my love for old favorites. Here are some of my current favorite bands!
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart//I discovered this band through my brother. I fell in love with their sound instantly! At times they remind me of The Killers (one of my all time favs!). I have been playing them non stop and they have definitely made their way to the top of my list! 

Cut Copy//Another new discovery. I'm pretty sure I've listened to them before and then just forgot about them. They have a really cool funky-ish, techno, disco sound that I love! I can't really compare them to anyone else as I have only been listening to them for a week but I am really enjoying them so far! 

Coldplay//I was super late on listening to Ghost Stories because I was waiting for it to come to spotify. I am blown away by this album! I am not surprised though, Coldplay can do no wrong in my eyes (ears). This has really rekindled my love for them and I have been listening to a lot of their old stuff too! This might be my favorite album of the year ;)
Favorite songs//(only from Ghost Stories) "Oceans""Ink""O""Always in my Head"...seriously the whole album!

Electric Youth//Another rediscovery for me. I really got into them when the movie Drive came out (great movie btw..just make sure you're of age!). Their music is super techno-y which I love. A lot of their songs have similar sounds and it just all blends in so nicely and makes it a really cool experience to listen to. 

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